Tula Carriers Instructions

Front Carry 

1. Secure the waist belt by fastening the buckle. 
Tighten the waist belt by pulling on the adjustable 
strap. The carrier's panel should be centered to your body.  
2. Hold your child so that he can wrap his legs around your waist.

3. Use one hand to support the child while the other 
to lift panel up over the child's back.
4. While supporting the child with one arm, slip the other arm under the strap.

5.  Then slip the other arm under the other strap. 
Make sure your child's bottom is deep in the panel just above the waist belt.

6.  Buckle the chest belt behind your shoulders to 
secure your child in the carrier.

7. Adjust the carrier so that your child is comfortable and 
close to your body by pulling on the adjustable straps for a snug fit.

8.  Enjoy :)

Back Carry

We recommend this wearing method for children over 12 months old. As babies get heavier, wearing them on the back is more comfortable for the wearer. It is a great position for children as they can see more. If your child is very small, you can choose to put the hip belt higher, all the way on your waist. This will provide a better "over the shoulder" view for your child. 


1. Secure the waist belt by fastening the buckle. Tighten the waist belt by pulling on the adjustable strap. The carrier's panel should be centered to the back of your body. Slip the strap over one arm.                                  
2. Place your child on your hip. Use the arm that is free from the strap to rotate your child from the hip position into the carrier. (Please have someone assist you until you are comfortable to perform this step on your own.)

3. While your child is rotated from the hip position into the carrier, use your other arm to secure the child. Slightly lean forward so that your child is resting their weight on your back.
4. Pull the panel up with your free arm and slip your arm through the other strap like you are wearing a back pack.

5.  Make sure your child's bottom is deep in the carrier just above the waist belt.

6.  Happy Babywearing :)