About Us
Fluffy Bottom Babies is independently owned children's boutique. We currently offer an array of hand-picked high quality clothing, footwear, toys and gifts for babies and kids 0-12 years. When shopping with us, you will find a wide variety of the traditional must-haves, as well as many true boutique items that are not found in your typical larger chains.
Each product is hand selected and when possible, personally tested for quality. All of our products must meet certain requirements in order to be considered for sale to our customers. Some of these criteria are: natural, made from sustainable means, recycled, locally made, handmade, fair trade or serves a greater good.
A note from the owner
Even before I became a mom, I loved babies. This love turned into an obsession when my first daughter arrived in 2010. It seemed to be a match made in heaven and the pursuit of Fluffy Bottom Babies which we purchased from another local mom starting as an online only store on September 2010. After a little while, we opened our brick & mortar store on May 28, 2011 to provide local parents a taste of what we offer and allow friends and loved ones to shop for you as well!
Keeping our children safe from toxins while reducing our impact on the planet remains at the forefront of my mind as I select the products I offer to my customers. I also know that being green needs to easy to incorporate into daily life to be effective. With this in mind, my goal is to provide a shopping experience that keeps it simple. I've done the research, so you don't have to. Making more conscious decisions is easy when you have the right information and our motto is "every little bit helps".
Happy shopping!